On Friday night, we went (along with thousands of others) down to campus to take pictures of the tower. For those who do not know the tradition, when UT wins games, the upper part of the tower is orange. When we beat Texas A&M and win Big 12 & national championships, the entire tower is orange. The only time the tower has the 1 on each side is for a National Championship. It's pretty neat!
We still have not bought championship shirts yet -- we walked over to the Co-op (school bookstore) and there was a line down the street.
I think we might go down again Sunday night to try to get some more and better shots of the tower. I did not have my tripod and so most turned out blurry (this turned out ok because I rested the camera against something). Plus, with the tripod, we can set the timer and possibly get a picture of us with the tower!
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