Sunday, January 22, 2006

First appointment and update

My first doctor appointment is tomorrow, so I will update what he says sometime after that.

Just a little update on how I have been feeling. Last week my tummy was upset most days and I just ate lots of crackers and drank lots of ginger ale. I got very sick on Friday. I thought it was the start of morning sickness. However, it appears I either had food poisoning or a bad virus. Eddie had to give me some IV fluids on Friday night. I finally ate more than toast and crackers last night. I am finally feeling somewhat better. I sure hope that does not come back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait to hear about your first appointment. Your sickness doesn't sound like morning sickness and I am glad that Ed was there to help you. Glad you are feeling better and pray that won't happen again.
I will check this regularly to hear about the first appt.
Love you both, Grans