Friday, December 30, 2005

In Austin

We arrived home this afternoon and have not done much of anything. Eddie had another headache and I played and snuggled with Lacey.
I will spend some time tomorrow and post some pictures from Christmas and add some more!
Happy New Year!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas in NY

Well, it really has not been that cold here (I have not had to use my arctic coat). I say that tonight, but I think that it is supposed to get colder before we leave on Friday.
We have had a great time visiting with relatives and sharing our news with everyone. We shared with most of the Tydings clan at Grandpa Tydings' grave on Christmas Eve morning where everyone gathered to put a wreath. Taylor (Jeff - Eddie's brother- and Lisa's little girl) announced to the Wishchmeyer side that I had a baby in my tummy.
We have had a wonderful Christmas and received so many nice gifts from family. I'm really not sure what to write tonight. I have been tired so Eddie, his brothers and parents went to Jeff and Lisa's to play cards. I am just resting. I have had a severe allergy attack that came on the day we left and is not letting up. So far, no sickness from pregnancy (that I can tell).
When we get home, I will post some pictures from the trip and more. I'm going to go lay down right now.
I hope everyone reading this had a wonderful Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Good Morning everyone! I know that it is difficult to see...... but I peed on a stick this morning, and this is how it turned out. There appears to be a very light second line!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

December 20th

OK -- so not much is happening in our life right now. I have just finished a crazy semester. I had a ton of grading to finish last week (I had avoided some while reading all 7 books of the Chronicles of Narnia). I am loving being back in middle school, but it is a lot of work.

Eddie is finishing work at 8AM tomorrow and then we leave for NY. He is hoping that there will be snow for Christmas, but is not too hopeful after looking at the weather the past couple of days.

I will try to add some while we are in NY for Christmas. I hope that everyone has a very wonderful Christmas and New Year.

P.S. There was no phase 2 of our Christmas lights, seeing as we would be away, we decided to not put much effort into our lights this year. Plus, it just seems as though we have been so busy.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Phase 1

Eddie thought all lights were working (two small parts of the icicles are out); he started swearing (said later, it was like what his father would do).

Christmas lights/Eddie on the roof

So Eddie started hanging the Christmas lights today. We hope that by the end of the week we will have more up and we will have some decorations in the yard.
I started with a little cleaning up inside and putting out some of our indoor decorations. Probably won't put a tree up, since we will be in NY for Christmas.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

First posting

OK, since my sister has started a Blog, I thought Eddie and I would start one. We probably won't be updating very often (at least not right now). But I thought this might be a good spot to make any announcements that we might in the near future!!