Sunday, September 20, 2009

2 months

Liam is 2 months old today. Already, I think he is a lot bigger than Eddie was even though they were born almost the same. He has his 2 month appointment tomorrow and we will see. He gets shots tomorrow. Poor baby. Eddie will get a flu shot (if the doctors office has it). It should be an interesting afternoon around the Tydings house...some little ones with some leg pain.


OK, so I was home from the hospital a little over a week and started feeling bad about August 1. I had been feeling like I was running a then chills. Ed went to get his hair cut and by the time he got back I was shivering so badly...took my temp and was running about he called ERs to see who was working. Ended up being admitted and eventually diagnosed with pyelonephritis...extreme kidney infection and bacteria in my blood stream. Long story short...I was on IV antibiotics until Tuesday (when I got out of hospital) and then oral antibiotics for another 2 weeks. It took a couple of weeks, but I made a full lost a few pounds (had no appetite).

Here is a link to some info about pyelonephritis:

Ed tried to keep Liam home the first night with a bottle of pumped milk and even tried some dice. Liam did not go for it. He ended up staying with me in the hospital. (side note: they almost did not let me out of the hospital on Tuesday because I kept spiking a fever...finally realized it was from holding and nursing Liam...his body temp made mine go up)

Basically, the moral of the story is to make sure to take all antibiotics if you have an UTI or kidney infection and have the doc check with an urinalysis, especially if you are on pain meds (was taking the because of the c-section, so I never felt the severe back pain that would have been a clue).

Monday, September 14, 2009

Long time no blog

Well, one of my resolutions for this year was to get on here more often to update things.
Not been very good at that....
So, I am going to start again. It's mostly for me and so that I can have something to help me remember what is going on with the boys. If any friends or family read...then that is bonus for them to see what is going on in our lives.

Since I last posted, lots has happened around the Tydings house!

First them me start by saying that it has been difficult with 2 children getting on the computer for long periods of time. it seems as if they never sleep at the same time or if they do, i am running around trying to get things done in the house or feeding. I decided that today, i would sit and type for a bit....not sure how long I will get, but I will try.

I had Liam Daniel Tydings on July 20th at 7:33 AM. He was 7 pounds 11 ounces and 19 1/2 inches. He is a healthy baby boy. He has a head full of dark hair. He has been growing tremendously since he was born. Not surprising since he is eating non-stop. He is causing Mommy to be very tired!! When we took him to his 1 month appointment, he was 9 pounds and 15 ounces! Can't wait to see how big he is next week for his 2 month appointment.

Eddie seemed to be doing very well with his little brother until the past few weeks. I think we have seen the regression. We had started potty training and Eddie had been doing very well. The one big problem was that he would not tell us when he needed to go, but we were being very good about getting him on the potty every few hours. Now with the chaos, we have not been the best and he has been fighting us. I have read that potty training and eating are 2 things that kidos can control. Well, he is controlling both of those....we are having trouble with Eddie eating too.

OK, I am going stop for now...I hear some stirrings from the bedrooms and need to get a couple of things done before they wake.