Saturday, March 21, 2009

Busy week's been a very busy week. I know the house so messy and dirty because we have spent so much time away this week. But, it has been such a nice week (weather wise) that we have spent a lot of time outside. Several evenings, we have taken walks after dinner and pushed Eddie on his tricycle.

Let's see, I will have to update the pictures later (I actually took some pictures while out this week). We went to Champion's park on Tuesday and Eddie played in the sand. We met Riley and Kelly so that Riley and Eddie could play. At first Eddie was saying "dirty, dirty" about the sand, but eventually had fun playing in it. Wednesday, we went to Arrowhead ranch where Eddie got to ride a horse/pony and hold a rabbit (rather large bunny). He ran away from the goats. Then on Thursday, we met some of our Kindermusik buddies at Brushy Creek Lake park and ran around. Eddie like the swing most of all.

Eddie had a couple of bumps on the head this week that scared mommy very much. We went over to Aunt Jamie and Uncle JJ's and Eddie was hit by a falling shelf. He cried for a bit and we called Daddy because Mommy was so scared. He just has a little bump on the top of his head. No blood and no visible bruised. Then the next day, at Brushy Creek Park, a girl went running past Eddie and smacked into him sending him face first into the mulch. He screamed and came up with a mouth full of mulch. He seemed to be OK after some juice and graham crackers. Then, a little while later, our neighbors across the street brought over a larger tricycle for Eddie and he was sitting on it in the living room. Daddy threw a ball or was it tried to block Eddie's ball (can't quite remember)...all I remember is Eddie turning to try to get the ball and then landing face first on the carpet.

I know that boys are tough, but it was hard on Mommy to see him get all of these bumps in such a short amount of time. No football for Eddie, no matter how much he begs. I know he can still get hit in baseball, basketball and soccer, but the ultimate goal is not hurting each other in these sports.

Anyway, now I am just trying to decide if we should make another trip out. If we decide to go out today, I would like to take him to see the Biscuit Brothers. They are playing a free concert that is part of SXSW (a famous music festival here in Austin). The problem is because it is free, everyone will probably be there and it will be chaotic. Plus, it is at 2:30 which is right at nap time, so I'm not sure how much he will enjoy it. I think I will probably just see how the morning goes and his temperament this morning my decide if I will venture out in the crowd and the heat with him or if we will just chill at the homestead.

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